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BSP - a 'thread' from overseas 8-)

To: LeBrun@hii.hitachi.com
Subject: BSP - a 'thread' from overseas 8-)
From: Jeff Howarth <jeff@v8tiger.demon.co.uk>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 22:59:24 +0100

I know its overseas but you could try Buck and Hickman in the UK.

They are a well established supplier of machine tools throughout the
country and have an Export department. I used to use them when I was at
British Gas and they were pretty good. You may guess British Gas do the
odd bit of work with pipes, from 1/2 inch to 36 inch - no I have never
tried to use a 36 inch BSP die on the outside of a pipe !

(I have no interests in them other than I like the tools they sell).

according to my catalogue, the Export division can be contacted on
Fax +44-181-593-4712

Sorry I have no names to ask for.

I know they are overseas for you but then I guess Hitatchi are not too
close to home either 8-)

Jeff Howarth

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