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Re: Stuck Brake Piston Removal

To: Dave McDermott <Dave.McDermott@cusys.edu>,
Subject: Re: Stuck Brake Piston Removal
From: richards@northcoast.com
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 1997 20:49:01 -0700
I highly reccomend puting wood in between the caliper's pistons before blowing 
with compressed air.  Saves  any bad dings that connot be repaired.  


On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Dave McDermott <Dave.McDermott@cusys.edu> wrote:
>        Cullen,
>        Compressed air also works great if they are not too frozen and makes
>the cleanup even easier. A rag between the two pistons keeps them from
>blowing into each other. If one breaks loose first then I put that one back
>in barely sealing and use a piece of straight metal in the disc groove in
>the caliper to keep it in place until the other side blows out. Both the air
>and grease methods prevent damage to the thin groove in the pistons that
>holds the dust shield.
>        Dave McDermott 
>At 09:17 AM 9/23/97 MST, Bennett, Cullen wrote:
>>>The pistons where stuck in their bores because the inner seals had melted 
>>and glued >themselves to the pistons.  Put with a little care my wife and I 
>>were able to get them >out okay.  I used a thin bladed srewdriver inserted 
>>in the dust seal grove, and a >wooden dowel against the body of the caliper 
>>as the fulcrum.  It took a while, prying a >little on each side, but it 
>>finally worked and we were able to free the pistons.
>>>   Armand Ritchie  B9470219
>>Now that its too late to help this time, I'll impart a little trick that I 
>>found a while back to get stuck brake pistons out without any danger of a 
>>single scratch on anything. Take a spare brake bleed valve ( the little 
>>round nosed thing that you loosen to bleed the brakes) and carefully file it 
>>down to dimensionally match a grease zerc. Remove the existing valve from 
>>the brake caliper assembly and replace it with the new fitting. Next, put 
>>your old trusty hand pump grease gun on the fitting and start pumping. It 
>>may take upwards of a 1/4 cup of grease, but I have never found a piston 
>>that it will not break free, regardless of how bad it is stuck. There is no 
>>substitute for brute force (several thousand PSI). Cleanup is easy with a 
>>little gasoline or kerosene, followed by standard brake cleaning solution.
>>Best Regards,
>>Cullen Bennett in Tempe AZ (B9472658)

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