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Radiator Cleaner Results

To: alpines@Autox.Team.Net, tigers@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Radiator Cleaner Results
From: "Chris S. Mottram"<Chris.S.Mottram@ecc.com>
Date: Fri, 6 Jun 1997 16:42:41 -0400

From: Chris S. Mottram@ECCI on 06/06/97 04:42 PM

I used the Napa radiator cleaner (#1400) with the TSP.  I didn't see any
major reduction in the corrosion visible through the radiator cap hole.  I
would classify the level of visible corrosion I have as light - Would not
appear to slow or block water because of the size of the corrosion.
Possibly would harm the flow pattern though.  I did get some really dirty
looking discharge when I drained the cleaner from the system.  Total cost
$3 and 45 minutes.

Step 2 - Purchased a meat thermometer from the grocery store, measured the
temperature in the radiator.  Maxed out at 180 farenheit but was reading
about 110 celcius in the car (double it and add 30 made me think it was at
about 250 f and should be boiling over).  Total cost $10 for thermometer.
Some other fellow with a Tiger underwent a similar situation a week or 2
ago on the list.  Thanks!  I could have spent a lot of money boiling or
rodding out my radiator.

Is the temperature in the radiator significantly cooler than the
temperature at the sending unit/thermostat?  I sure hope not, or else I am
not done yet.



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