> As a matter of fact I had the same problem. My car was built in October
> of 1964, the title read 1966 model, first sold in 1965. How can this be
> possible. I posed the question to the d.m.v., how can a car be built in
> 1966 and then be sold in 1965? Obviously there is a problem with the
> numbers.
> My car's title now reads year model 1964 first sold in 1965. I guess
> Dennis Knapek
No small block Cobras were built after 1964. I know of Cobras with high
serial number that are classified as '64s and some with not so high
serial numbers classified as '65s. The simple reason for this is that
Cobras were slow movers saleswise. The model year assigned was the year
sold. I suspect this was for marketing purposes. How many people would
be willing to pay the full new car price for last year's model?