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Re: Manditory Topless Law !!! -Reply

To: John Crawley <johnc@nait.ab.ca>
Subject: Re: Manditory Topless Law !!! -Reply
From: Steve Laifman <laifman@flash.net>
Date: Wed, 14 May 1997 17:37:39 +0100
O.K. guys,

You want to tell the tallest tale about the virtues of fresh air. My
MG-TD had no windows. Just side curtains (they leak) and cut-down doors.
At 60 mph you not only got the loadest screaming buzz-box motor at 4000
rpm, but some really good kidney punches. In my first drive I but on my
new white silk scarf and went for a jaunty ride. Remember those great
ads. Well I soon found out that the wind came from behind you and the
scarf was blown to the front and over my face. Only one solution then.
You FOLDED DOWN the windshield! Now the scarf went the right way (as
well as all those delicious bugs. Next step. That's why the British
invented the Brooklands Screen. What a blast. Scarf choking me in the
breeze, ear drums hammered by wind and engine whine, kidneys punched by
wind, sun burning thru outer skin layers. This is really living (at 22
years old). After a long trip from L.A. to Santa Barbara (Goleta
Airport) , this was before freeways you know. I could collapse a day to
recover for the great races My Pit Pass from 1957 hangs on my wall.

Today, I'll settle for my previous recommendation. Take the top off (or
down) AFTER you get there.

Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most     >
B9472289              < important in your life    >
                      < and don't let it get away!>

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