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Re: And the Morale to the Story is......

To: STUART_BRENNAN@HP-Andover-om3.om.hp.com
Subject: Re: And the Morale to the Story is......
From: Allan Connell <alcon@earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 18:47:20 -0700
At 01:52 PM 5/13/97 -0600, STUART_BRENNAN@HP-Andover-om3.om.hp.com wrote:
>     I installed a 800CFM electric fan in front of the radiator in my 
>     otherwise stock Tiger.  It's wired to a dashboard switch, rather than 
>     a thermostatic setup.  It does basically NOTHING to aid cooling.  At 
>     idle, it seems to increase the flow from the stock fan a bit, but if 
>     you blip the revs up, the stock fan produces far more airflow than 
>     this thing ever could.  So all I use it for is cooling things off 
>     after I shut it down.  The next time the radiator comes out, this fan 
>     will probably be removed.
>     I don't know how many CFM you would need to make a difference, but 
>     it's a lot more that 800.
>     Stu


I just took a trip to the garage to check out the CFM on the fan (what the
heck, I needed a beer out of the fridge anyway.....) but could not really
tell.  The model number according to the Hayden literature is a
3690...really don't know if that relates to CFM by any means.  It is the
second largest they make....14" (don't get jealous Eddy).  

During my experimentation and before I discovered the gauge reads high by
20+ degrees, I did notice that the fan does a decent job.  It has lowered
the temperature at idle by up to 10 degrees which is really pretty good.
Just cranked it on in the garage and you can really feel the air coming
through the radiator fins.  maybe someone out ther knows the CFM rating on
the Hayden 3690.  I will look next time I visit Auto Parts Club.  Thanks
for your comments and your reply.


B9472373  (as yet, TAC-tless)
>______________________________ Reply Separator
>Subject: Re: And the Morale to the Story is......
>Author:  Non-HP-owner-tigers (owner-tigers@autox.team.net) at 
>Date:    5/13/97 1:15 AM
>Before abandoning the electric set up did you try ...
>I only assume they should work on a Tiger since I don't remember seeing any. 
>Anybody else running electric fans on their Tigers?
>Frank Marrone          MK I Tiger B9471116 
>marrone@wco.com        1966 LTD  
>                       Series I Alpine  "fix me"
>                       Yamaha Seca 900

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