Does the post office ask us what's in the envelope? (Is it pictures?
Is it a floppy disk?) NO, they just charge us by the ounce. Does the
gas station ask us what we're planning to do with the gas? (It's for a
SPORTS CAR? $0.20 more per gallon, please.)
So, if I place a call on a phone line with X bandwidth, why should I
be charged a different rate depending on whether I'm sending voice or
data? It takes the same amount of their equipment. If I use it for
an hour, then I pay for an hour. If the companies see increased
demand, then let them buy more equipment and charge all users
proportional to their use, via the rate structures.
End of political discussion.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: RE: FCC vs Networking charges
Author: Non-HP-owner-tigers ( at
Date: 2/10/97 8:15 AM
To Bonnie & Tiger Club Owners:
I hate to respond to non-Tiger mail,,,, BUT, As usual, there will be 2
sides to an issue and charging for phone line usage should come as no >
han anyone ever dreamed. The cost for providing phone service (ie:
switches & lines) is based on an assumption that only a certain percentage
would be on the phone at the same time.
No lectures, but SOMEONE will need to pay for additional lines & switching