Someone posted a while back about walnut wood vaneer (sp)
replacement sheets. My Dad has a Jag XJ-6L Series II and wants to
replace the dash, I suggested just peeling and replacing the Walnut
vaneer, or whatever type of wood that is on the dash with new stuff.
Someone had posted about a place that you could order this type of
material from. I think it was for the Sunbeam Tiger, but the process is
the same for either car.
(1) What Type of wood is used for the facing on the Jag dash (Jag
list members, please e-mail me directly. I am no longer on the list.)
(2) What U.S. or Western Canadian companies manufacture this
material, and at what price. The Jag dash is a little longer than the
Tigers' is
(3) Has anyone on the Jag list done this? Recommendations?
Problems? Disasters?