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Re[2]: "..Darn the torpedos"....

To: JEFF_CARTER@hp-cupertino-om5.om.hp.com, owner-tigers@autox.team.net,
Subject: Re[2]: "..Darn the torpedos"....
From: LeBrun@hii.hitachi.com
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 97 08:42:29 PST
     -Hmmm....I thought the first "small-block" FORD engine was the 221 
     CID. Very common in Comets and other "compacts" of the time.Next came 
     the 260 ( my folks had a '63/64 Fairlane with a 260) and then the 289. 
     Susequently,, in the same family I believe was the 302 & then 351 
     which were all within the same BASIC design configuration.

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Subject: Re: "..Darn the torpedos"....
Author:  BMcgu22954@aol.com at ~INTERNET
Date:    1/8/97 8:58 PM

Bingo, we have a winner!!
A 289 would have been a dealer replacement for the stock motor, because Ford 
built the 260 at that time specifically for Rootes.
Bruce McGuire

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