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Re: New thread - Fuses/Electrical Protection

To: wpgoebn@PacBell.com
Subject: Re: New thread - Fuses/Electrical Protection
From: STUART_BRENNAN@HP-Andover-om3.om.hp.com
Date: Tue, 2 Jul 96 08:06:36 -0600
     Quite a bit of our harness is not protected by fuses, and still has 
     power with the key off.  Last year's project was to install a battery 
     master cutoff switch in the trunk.  Mine is sticking thru the side of 
     the battery plateau, facing the rear, so that it's right there when I 
     open the trunk.  How long did it take you to lift the trunk floor?  
     The switch was under ten bucks (Wal-Mart), and a couple starter and 
     replacement battery cables weren't much more.  No cable cutting was 
     required.  Cheap insurance.  
     Individual "in line" fuse holders can be had at auto parts stores or 
     at the Shack.  These can be hidden anywhere along the harness, 
     preferably out of the weather, allowing you to maintain the "stock" 
     look.  Just remember where you put them.
     Stu Brennan

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Subject: New thread - Fuses/Electrical Protection
Author:  Non-HP-owner-tigers (owner-tigers@triumph.cs.utah.edu) at 
Date:    6/30/96 4:09 PM

Last year while driving, I hit a substantial bump in the road.  Then 
my windshield wipers moved a couple of inches and ... SMOKE
from under the dash board.
 Luckily I just happened to have a wrench next to the battery and
was able to disconnect it before major damage resulted.  I did have 
to replace a few wires to the wiper motor in my harness.  I never 
did find out the cause.
My question:
What can I do to prevent that from happening again?  It would have 
been much better, I think, to have a fuse blow instead of a fire. 
Have any of you added any electrical protection to your cars?  I'd 
like to know what you did.
Since then, I added a 10 fuse block instead of the 2 fuse stock one 
but that is not enough.  The lighting circuits are not safe.  Has any 
one installed fusible links. If so, how!
I want my car to be as safe as possible.  Er ... well!  Electrically 
safe any way.
Bill Goebner - Woodside, California - STOA 

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