The 4E23 indicates the casting date to be May 23,1964. The casting
number C40E-E indicates a 1964-65 260 block. The 6015 is a generic Ford
number for block casting. Other give aways are 5 bolt bell housing pattern,
3 core plugs in each side and 7" between motor mount holes.
From: ""@PMDF@PAXMB1
To: Turner Dennis; ""@PMDF@PAXMB1
Subject: Re: engine #'s
Date: Tue, May 21, 1996 7:51PM
<<File Attachment: 00000000.TXT>>
>does anybody have a ford engine Id# book? I never crossed the #s.
>The block numbers that I have are as follows.... 4E23 , C40E-6015E ......
>This was never of a concern to me, just thinking it would be nice to know.
>Todd "Hurricane" Harrington,
>66 tiger IA- B382002081-LRXFE.
>home base-Georgia Vermont.
Todd: Tom Monroe's " Rebuiding your Small Block Ford" has and excellent
Ford p/n ID section. The C4 indicates 1964, so it looks like your #'s are
at least in the right year.