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RE: Gonna be a wheel someday

To: DRano4718@aol.com, NamasteRH@aol.com, SJogan@aol.com,
Subject: RE: Gonna be a wheel someday
From: Dave McDermott <mcdermott_d@WIZARD.COLORADO.EDU>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 1996 16:47:52 -0600
        Or convert to the MK1A steering column support brackets which
position the column and wheel higher. 

At 06:15 PM 4/25/96 -0400, DRano4718@aol.com wrote:
>Buy a Rover turn signal & hook the horn wire to the headlite dimmer switch,
>and never sweat a pot-metal horn ring again. BTW is there anyone over 6" tall
>who can fit his legs under that stock wheel? It's big enough to fit a school
>bus, & certain to cut off circulation in both legs. Spend a few bucks & get a

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