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Re: List conduct?

To: "Mark J. Bradakis" <>,
Subject: Re: List conduct?
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 22:37:34 -0500
Now THAT was funny....

See... get into the spirit here....

None of this shit is serious... unless you say something that keeps me from 
getting laid...



At 06:40 PM 7/11/2001 -0600, Mark J. Bradakis wrote:
>      Rule #1: There are no rules.
>Well, that depends on several factors, and what lines you want to draw in
>the sand.  Are you talking about a genuine, universally recognised Thicko?
>What sort of history can be documented?  Maybe the situation involves a
>repli-thicko and not the authentic item.  Any competent but unscrupulous
>wrench can take a well-used liver, a flat dick and maybe a finger or two
>scraped up from under the last engine swap and cobble up what appears to be
>an original Thicko.  Some groups allow them, some don't, some wouldn't let a
>Thicko anywhere near them regardless of pedigree or period correctness.
>'d bet that of the 19 original Thickos, this list has at least 47 of them
>subscribed.  I mean, uh, oh oh, wrong list, wrong argument, sorry, never mind.

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