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RE: audiophiles???

To: "'Thickos '" <>
Subject: RE: audiophiles???
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 02:50:29 -0600
WST wrote:

>How are y'all? Everybody preparing for the 
>holidays... I know there's a bunch of you 
>closet Quanza types out there...

No Quanza [Kwanzaa?] here. Personally, I'm deep into Festivus - the
"festival for the rest of us". Christmas lost half it's allure when I got
too old to get model trains as presents . . . and it lost the other half
when my children started turning 30. I'm already in training for the
highlights of the Festivus celebration - the "Feats of Strength" and the
"Airing of Grievances". 

Afraid I can't help with the vintage audio gear. My oldest (and only)
turntable is a Technics, and I only dust that off when I get out the REALLY
good disks - Leadbelly, Odetta, Woody Guthrie and Cisco Houston :)

Jim Hill
The Runaway Train

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