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Re: From Iowa with Love....BAAAAA!

Subject: Re: From Iowa with Love....BAAAAA!
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 19:54:59 EDT
Just so all you corn guys and gals don't think we have sheep here in New 
England, I give you the following:

A Mainer and Vermonter were out hunting when they came across a ewe with her 
head stuck between one of our picturesque split rail fences.  The Vermonter 
told the Mainer, "That's a tragedy."  "Tragedy?", the Mainer replied, "That's 
no tragedy. That's what we Mainers call 'opportunity' ".   With that, the 
Mainer approached the hapless ewe and had his way with her.  Upon finishing, 
he told the Vermonter, "Ok, now it's your turn" .  The Vermonter replied, " 
No way you're getting me to stick my head through that fence!"

Had enough?, If not:

A prospector's been out in the wilderness searching for gold for 20 years 
when he finally hits the mother lode.  He comes into the nearest town laden 
with gold and heads for the nearest saloon.   He tells the barkeep, "I 
haven't had a drink or a woman for twenty years and I'm lookin' to get my 
fill tonight."  The bartender replies, "I can help you with the whiskey, but 
all our women left town when the stakes dried up.  All I've got to offer you 
is that pen of sheep out back, $20  and you can take your pick."  "Sheep?", 
the prospector replied, " Well if that's all you got, that's what I be 
takin'"  With that he put down $20 worth of gold nuggets on the bar and 
proceeded out back to find a date for the evening.   He found the prettiest 
ewe there and brought her back to the bar.  As soon as he stepped through the 
swinging doors, the piano player stopped playing and all the cowboys dove for 
cover under the tables.   The prospector, asked the bartender, "What the hell 
is goin' on?"  "What're you crazy?" the saloonkeeeper asked, "That there is 
Black Bart's girl you've got there!"

Now you know why I have a day job.   With apologies to Gary.


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