Hello everyone We are very sorry that this letter has taken us a long time
to send. (at least it seems like a long time). Jon and I went to the doctor
who di the biopsy on Friday and we found out that it tested positive for
squamous cell cancer in the throat. Our beloved"mom" Judy Cull had relayed
the information about a doctor that our very own Dr. Tom "ferarri" Murphy
had said about a doctor that he was well aquanted with whose involved with
this type of cancer. We mentioned this to my doctor Dr. Bumpous and the
reply was "yes I know him well and as a matter of fact we have communicated
with him on aregular basis" I feel confident with all of the opinions we
have received thus far in the direction we are going is to utilize
chemotherapy and radiation therapy rather than the extensive surgery that
would have to be performed. If in fact the chemo and radiation are not
working we can always have the surgery as a back-up. This is what my
doctors reply was when I asked him to try on these racing shoes, plus there
is a 90% chance that this type of treatment will get all of the cancer, from
past cases. Tomorrow ( Tuesday) I will get to go see the first of four
doctors that will be involved in the treatments and at that point we will
find out when all of this mayhem will begin. Depending uon scheduling there
is a small chance that I might make an appearance at the Circle City
"Snowball" Festival. I have to find out from the chief of Tech whether or
not chains and/or studded snow tires are allowed in group 8. I do want to
thank once again all the people who have been in touch with us it gives me a
feeling that I can only describe as making my stomach smile. We will keep
you posted and hopefully see you all (southern drawl BEWARE) at IRP for one
last blast of the year 2000!!!! Hopefully the doctors will be on vacation
until October25th.