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News from the Phallological Museum

To: "'Thickos '" <>
Subject: News from the Phallological Museum
From: Jim Hill <>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 20:14:18 -0500
I could hardly trash the following news item without passing it on to my
Thicko colleagues.

Jim Hill
Madison WI

The Icelandic Phallological Museum (the "Penis Museum") in Iceland has
reported that since an 85-year-old man has willed his phallus to the museum,
its collection of mammal organs will now be complete, in case you wondered
what you might do if you ever found yourself in Iceland. 
The museum has a specimen from every mammal in Iceland (40), other than the
human specimen (until now) and 8 more in the foreign section. 
The museum has asked that the man's organ be removed while still warm thus
allowing the museum to display it in an erect position. 
Other exhibits you will be sure to want to see while you visit the museum
include the tanned bull penis, once used as a whip on the country farms. And
your visit would certainly not be complete without a look at the smoked
horse penis which they say was a favorite snack in the 1930's. You surely
could not miss the meter-long blue whale's dried penis that is about half
the length of the whale itself. 
All museums have a gift shop. And this museum is no exception. This is where
you can pick up skipping ropes with phallic handles, sure to be a sensation
on the first day of school, and the ever popular coat-racks with penis pegs.

3,500 people visited the museum last year. 

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