To Jim "Elmo mancini, the meatball Magnate from Logantucky... and official
Team Thicko Minister of Food & Beverage" Donato...
Hey you F'n F...
Whassup wit da chow plans?
I ain't be seein' no consolidated food plan???
I've got about 5 lbs of ground beef for Fri. lunch, and 4 ribeyes for the
"chosen ones" for Fri. dinner...although we may end up at the China Palace
for the annual dog meat tomain (sp?... like spelling makes a differnce
here...) dose...
I've got 18 London Broils for Sat. night.
I bought the official new TT grille/smoker.(large)
I bought new PA speakers for the Thicko band.(large... see a theme
developing here?)
We need charcoal, lighter fluid, and all the other shit.
Whassup wit da AC power situation? Has "Wideload" done the proper
Is there (lame) music in the pavilion this year... (as opposed to the lame
music in our pits)???
Livin large,