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Re: Fw: Membership

To: Wm Severin Thompson <>
Subject: Re: Fw: Membership
From: Jack W Drews <>
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 17:06:16 -0600
Mr. Burns:

Thank you for your inquiry regarding Thicko membership re-application, which has
benn forwarded to me by our Esteemed Flounder. As you have properly deduced from
the name, membership is closely controlled.

Membership requires, along with the ability to consume great quantities of amber
liquids, participation in endless insult-hurling, and assuming embarrassing and
unnatural body positions, a significant financial commitment.

As (self)appointed membership fee chairman, please send me your VISA card number
and expiration date and I will send you email notification of acceptance /

Thanking you in advance, I remain, Your Humble Servant,

uncle jack            (hooooboy!)

Wm Severin Thompson wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 3:49 PM
> Subject: Membership
> > Gentleman,
> >      I have recently purchased a Sprite, and it has a "Team Thicko"
> sticker
> > on it, and I was wondering, does membership transfer with the ownership of
> an
> > existing car, or do I need to reapply for membership? Perhaps this is a
> > question better suited for the legal department, as I could not find any
> > information pertaining to this issue in the by-laws.
> >      All seriousness aside, I am in the Atlanta area, and have purchased
> Dave
> > Tedore's Sprite, and was wondering if Team Thicko attends any southern
> events?
> >      Brian Burns,   nanbi@aol


TR6 -- 29 years old
TR4 -- 39 years old
uncle jack -- 49 and holding

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