Thickos, one and all...
A few choice words got the Minister of Food and Beverage off his dead ass
and plans for the upcoming TT Village Bash at RA are coming together quite
nicely, thank you.
A request has been forwarded to George (more meds please) Bruggentheis
requesting reserved pit space... but that will likely happen right after
monkees fly out of my ass...
I think I've been a little too active with the "early, can't wait for the
fucking race" car prep, as the area of my hernia repair in June is a bit
tender today. Hopefully I'm not returning to "goiter boy" status...
There have been some questions regarding music at TT Village. You are
encouraged to bring CDs of your favorite pre-recorded music, as well as
"yer axe" if ya got one. We usually have a PA set up if the massive throng
of gravy slurping Thickos are up for a song or two. Late in the evening, we
usually retire to an accoustic set around a campfire.
I'm really likin' the attitude of ol' Uncle Jack Drews... bout time someone
besides me was talkin' out of their cocky ass. Of course, Gary, (Black Bart,
the AARP Old Fart) Speckman is constantly talking out of his... but this is
mainly due to a steady diet of beer, brats, and cheese, don't you know.
The "Goose" isn't running this weekend... I hear he'll be opening a can at
Road Atlanta. Roger "LF" Heil has some lame excuse about 6 quarts of oil at
Grattan... so we'll be without his beaming face. Gary "Grenade" Kropf
shotgunned a brand new motor... hey Black Bart, don't you have a "Cheatin'
Dog" motor you can lend him? We haven't heard from Craig "Eddie Haskel"
Bileat... anyone know if the Betty Ford Clinic has released him yet? What
about Rick "Smokey" Dunleavy, and Rob " the Anchor" Zallinger?
Bill "Leadbelly... (please note the correct spelling) Dalton seems to pop on
to the list 6 subjects at a time. Most likey its a case where he as a guitar
player is too busy baggin' (and I mean "baggin"... I've been to that part of
the state) chicks to spend more than one night a week on TT bullshit...
Chuck "Lumpy Rutherford" Maranto will again grace us with his presence in
the village. He and Elmo have some seriously funny trophies lined up for the
Indianapolis Raceway Park weekend, which is only 2 weeks after RA.
That's all for now....