"Wm. Severin Thompson" wrote:
> Jack,
> Eloquence as usual.
> Mooseburgers...hmmm...
> Anyone got a weather forecast? Temps? Humidity? Rain? I'm not bringing the
> tires.
> Are their any showers at the track restrooms? My 11 and 13 year old daughters
> are making the trip with me. The 30 gallon freshwater tank in the Team Thicko
> Land Barge will last about 3 minutes if one of the girls decides to wash her
> hair...
The weather forcast is anywhere from pretty good to bad depending on whose you
see. There's around a 40% chance of rain predicted for anyone or all of
Thurs./Fri/Sat and or Sunday so it may or maynot rain. Mosport is located in the
bermuda triangle of weather... it can be sunny in Toronto and fogged in at
or the reverse. It's on a ridge that seems to funnel the worst weather available
onto the track.
We usually go to Mosport with shorts, parkas, hip waders and snow shoes and
Rain tires? Wow, you guys must be pros - those of us on skinny Dunlop race tires
just mount the ones with the least wear.
There are showers. As well, I'm staying about 20mins. north of the track with
another racer. Hot tub, lots of bedrooms and hot and cold running scotch...we
can find a shower for you. It's on the way to where the festivities are on
Saturday night in Lindsay.
I know Jeff (the owner) would be more than happy to let the girls wash their
Gary did set you up real good.
I'm looking forward to following you around the track.
There's always a good assortment of Sprite spares at our events and being less
hour from Toronto in a road car, there's always guys going home at night so
are usually not a problem.
I'll be parked in the upper paddock closest to the tower...hope you'll join me.