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[Spridgets] Misbehaving Bugeye

To: Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: [Spridgets] Misbehaving Bugeye
From: Bert Shirey via Spridgets <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2022 10:48:12 -0400
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Steve: Breaking down under load is typically an obstruction in the fuel 
system. Unless you put one on, the Bug doesnâ??t have a filter to clog. The 
tank was drained periodically and I never saw any crap in there, but it is 
60-years-old and with the ethanol gas, stuff could have accumulated in the 
carb. Ethanol can eat up the rubber hoses and the resulting debris can mess up 
things. Check the float bowls and the valves. I think there are Gross Jets in 
there.Usually if the valve fouls, you get an overflow. That happened to me 
several times over the years. The main jets are less likely to foul, but we saw 
that happen with Georgeâ??s A. Then it ran bad at all speeds. 
     You have that new set of SUs. The Midget ran better with the original 
carbs that it did with the new ones. But I think that is because I got 
distracted and never set them up properly.
      The fuel pump can also go bad, but when that happened to me, the car just 
stopped. I donâ??t remember if there is a screen in the intake port on the pump 
to clog . You have that Facet pump and the new SU pump, and a filter in line 
wouldnâ??t hurt. 
     Somebody said that most fuel problems are in the ignition. The car seemed 
to run smooth at idle after you adjusted the points. It did sound a bit rough 
after you brought it back from the road test. Donâ??t bet the points didnâ??t 
slip when you drove on the road.I would check that first. If you donâ??t have a 
dwell meter, I gave Jim mine. With that you can check the gap without squirming 
around inside the distributor. 
     You know my feelings about an electronic ignition. Not as fun to fix, but 
much more reliable. My intention was to upgrade, but like a lot of things, 
Never got around to that project.
      That battery is stone dead. I donâ??t know if the system is starving for 
juice and that could affect performance.
       It seemed like old times to see a British car in the driveway with the 
bonnet up and guys leaning in trying to figure it out. You really have the old 
Bug looking fine!
       Really strange, though, to see her back in the garage. Do you think she 
misbehaved just so she could stay for a visit? Have you noticed that Bugeyes 
have their own smell?
            Cheers all, Bert Shirey

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