So this is not 100% Spridget related but I am putting in a 1098 into
my car, so it is a Sprite motor and gearbox :)
 I got a "new" gas tank for my car. Its brand new but was made a
decade ago and has surface rust all over it, inside and out. Its really
light rust, not a concern. The guy that had these tanks made said some
had minor leaks and I should check for leaks. Thinking about rigging up
something to pressure test it with compressed air instead of filling it
with water as he suggested. The tank inside is pretty rust free, except
where they welded the bungs for drain plug and filler plug and also the
baffles, seems the welding area is what rusted on the inside. Outside
is just surface rust all over.
 I have used Hirsch tank sealer in the past with more or less success,
but I see POR and Eastwood and many others are out there now. Those
would also seal any pinholes according to them.
 Any recommendations ? I am not against sending it out and having it
done but I think being brand new and rust being minor, I should be able
to do this myself. The tank is fully exposed when in the car so its not
something I can send out where they coat the inside and outside of the
tank, only the inside can be done because the outside is painted car
color and fully visible. That is the only reason I am considering
sending it out to have it cleaned of rust and coated inside, I don't
want to use the wrong product, have to fix it and have to repaint it in
a few years.
A gun is like a parachute, if you need one but don't have it,
you'll probably never need one again.
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