A friend of a friend has a rollbar he was told was from an MG Midget
and has offered it to me at a very attractive price for use on my 73
Midget. A mutual friend of ours was hurt pretty bad years ago when his
Midget got t-boned; so he's frequently suggested I get one.
I don't have any measurements (not yet, anyway), only the two pics he
emailed me. I'm not sure it really is for a Midget - so many people
don't seem to grasp the difference between a Midget and an MGB. It
"looks" wide but that could be an optical illusion due to the way the
bars bow outward.
I've never got a good look at one, let alone how they mount, and pics
in my VB and Moss catalogs aren't much help.
The rollbar is a couple of hours away and I don't have time for a
wasted trip right now or I'd just go get it and sort it out later.
I've posted the pics to an album on my facebook account:
I'm hoping some of you more knowledgable people can look at these pics
and tell me if you think this is for a Midget.
What do you guys think?
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