It controls or regulates the output from the dynamo to prevent overcharging
of the battery. The dynamo might put out 14 volts charge which the
battery won't like so the clicking points thing prevents this from happening.
Then if you put all the headlights on and they draw 2 volts the clicking
points thing needs to open to let all the dynamo produce the full charge - 12
to the battery and 2 to the lights.
The easiest way to see this work is have an assistant switch stuff on while
the engine is running and for extra interest have a voltmeter across the
In a message dated 05/05/2013 01:30:23 GMT Daylight Time, writes:
They both looked the same, both cars were positive ground, so I went ahead
and put it in. My question is, what does it control? I left the cover off,
and when the car was running, it didn't do anything.
Magically though, my wipers now work.