Yeah, I had a guy on the list at one time (can't remember whom) who stated
something like he wanted to meet me in an alley.
We still haven't assaulted each other, yet, so I assume whatever was at
stake wasn't really important.
I'm mild mannered and slow to anger and no one ever seems to want to "meet
me in an alley" in person.
Point is not everyone gets along with everyone else all the time. Internet
rows rarely make it into the real world.
We all have something in common and we all would like to see you get your
car running.
Don't sweat the little things and try and be civil.
On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:25 PM, Dean Hedin <> wrote:
> Were not in a fight. I've already won the argument and you're struggles
> with the genny the proof of that fact.
> If you struggles are to no avail then you car ends up in the field with a
> tree growing through it.
> That's all that is at stake here.
> As of yet nobody with an alternator conversion has complained about
> anything
> on this list.
> Be thankful there are commrades in arms willing to share in your suffering
> and to drown our sorrows in our own
> beer and you not having to buy us one. It is a great thing of this
> Internet
> age.
> Now, let's see if I can help. Do you have the
> "Lucas_Generator_and_Control_Box_Tests" document?
> It's pretty handy for dihards like yourself. I will email it to you off
> list
> expediantly.
> Even the generator is pretty simple. The big wire out the generator is
> where all the output comes. The little wire
> is the field. The field is an input. If there is no field current applied
> then there is no output from the generator.
> The regulator senses the drop in battery voltage and applies field current
> when needed (assuming the regulator is adjusted correctly)
> You said it was new and adjusted so don't mess with your regulator.
> Run the tests outlined in the document and let us know of the resuilts.
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