Ya, what Lester said! A heads up.
Actually if everyone got their LBC's out at the same time and turned on
everything your car's(s) got electrically at a prescribe time as
determined by the good folks at BNL and Larry Labs. We could produce an
EMP of sufficient strength to repel the asteroid. At the very least,
all the smoke escaping from the wires would block out any vision of the
impending doom.
OK, ok, so I spent too much time working on the MG's electrical maladies
today. We return you now to your regularly scheduled program.
On 3/10/2012 6:25 PM, Lester wrote:
> Ahhh.. now I got it.. very bright and woefully underpaid with the threat of
> their research/project/livelihood disappearing every budgetary year..
> Keep up the good fight.. and if that asteroid is going to hit us come
> February just a day or so heads up would be nice.. there are a few things I
> want to do and I'll need a day or so to get there..
> Lester
>> Just a word of advice. Michael and his wife are both very distinguished
> scientists with Lawrence Livermore Labs. I believe they both work in heavily
> classified areas of the LL labs as imposed by the government. He's not about
> to share classified information on the Spridgets list.
>> Additionally, they are really terrific people. You might want to tone the
> rhetoric down a bit and give your fellow Spridgteer a break.
>> Cheers!!
>> Jim
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