True. There was a program on TV Friday night on the subject of a whole town
(Visalia ?) with contaminated groundwater severely affecting health, and crops.
It appears that our enlightened government omitted to include diesel
specifically in the fluids banned from use in fracking.
Even though the EPA reports that there are significantly high levels of diesel
and hydrocarbon compounds in the groundwater they cannot specifically tie it to
the oil company using the diesel.
So they are continuing to use it,
Big Money Talks Loud!!!!
Dave G KK7SS
'65 Sprite - in process
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Voelcker" <johnvoelcker at>
There's a new story from a few weeks ago that points out that one of the
substances injected into the ground by the frackers is diesel fuel. Which
wasn't, if I recall the story correctly, illegal. Remarkably.