But American humor gave me the opportunity to buy the Parker and Stone
classic, "Cannibal, the Musical" on DVD
Merry Christmas to all!
On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 1:33 AM, Jim Johnson <bmwwxman@gmail.com> wrote:
> German Engineering, British Comedy and French cooking....
> Unfortunately what we too often receive is British Cooking,
> German Comedy and French Engineering.
> Ergo: Steak and Kidney Pie, Renaults, and "Springtime for Hitler"....
> Cheers!!
> Jim
> On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 3:06 PM, Billy Zoom <billyzoom@billyzoom.com>
> wrote:
> > I had an R8 Caravelle back in the Sixties. It was a piece of crap.
> > Large bits used to fall of in the street all the time. I put on Pirellis,
> > Konis, a Weber, and an Abarth exhaust. It became a slightly faster and
> > louder piece of crap.
> > My advice is to never accept anything from the French...not cars, not
> > colonies, and certainly not advice.
> > They haven't had a good idea since oral sex.
> > BZ
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