Our local grocery is owned by a Muslim family. They have no problem wishing
their customers "Merry Christmas". Every December they host a free chili feed
for the community to thank them for accepting them and contributing to their
successful business. They also have a live Nativity and a fireworks display
after dark that rivals many city's 4th of July efforts.
Their philosophy, when asked, is they are grateful to have been permitted to
become American and Christmas is an important American holiday. They believe
that they should participate to show their support for the community.
And to your other point, I know several businesses in the area that
are not run by Christians and WILL be open on Christmas. National
holiday or not, each business has the right to choose to observe the
holiday or ignore it. And not everyone is in it for a day off, some
people are just trying to stay in business and make a buck, and there
is NOTHING more American than that.
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