I spoke to my principal and they will find $500. to buy a small lathe but it
must be new to be under our insurance policy.
Does anyone know about this one? Pros/Cons? I'll call the company today and
ask some questions.
Thanks for all your help.
BTW I want the one on eBay it has my name all over it....wink.
On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:17 AM, Linda Grunthaner <>wrote:
> Wow I love this list you guys are tool people like me ; ) I knew I would
> get lots of replies.
> So far it appears that I will be spending near $500. for anything worth
> buying so I'll ether have to get the parents to contribute or I will be
> donating & getting a receipt as a tax deduction. Being I have 2 large drill
> presses and 2 dremill drill stands I am leaning towards these 2 products,
> any thoughts?
> The newer Unimat one from Edmond's Scientific which we buy from looks like
> it works as a small drill, mill, & lathe or am I mistaken?
> The eBay one looks like the one I'd be putting on my night stand because it
> is a beautifil piece of workmanship. If I go with the eBay one should I bid
> $500. to cut off other bidders near the end of the auction? At $500. I might
> have to just keep & loan it.
> Thanks Bob for the find.
> Lin
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 7:49 PM, Linda Grunthaner <>wrote:
>> List,
>> Every year our best physics students enter the Panasonic Creative Design
>> Challenge:
>> And every year kids come to my lab (work shop) during open lunch lab hour
>> to drill, cut, glue and bend materials for their device. My problem is they
>> use small DC motors with very small shafts and try attach either a dowel &
>> wheel or a plastic axle from a connecting gear set with a wheel. Therefore
>> they are trying to drill a 1/32" or less hole in the plastic axle or dowel
>> to attach to the DC motor shaft and I do not have anything that small or
>> precise. The small lathe I ordered this year was turned down by the main
>> office at the last minute so I have decided I would buy a used lathe to help
>> the kids out, the physics teacher mentioned I look for a watch makers lathe.
>> I looked on eBay but I have no clue what to look for being I have only used
>> a lathe in college for one project and that was 20 years ago. Anyone have
>> tips on what to look for or know someone selling a used one? Is there a
>> place to go to buy used tools like a watch makers lathe? I am guessing they
>> do not have motors because they are done by hand right?
>> Thanks,
>> Linda
>> I saw this one $169.99 is a bit high and I don't know if it is complete.
Suggested annual donation $12.75