Yes, you do have to maintain a arc, remember I said if you are already
good with oxy-acet welding, then I would skip MIG ? that is because oxy
welding requires the same skills as TIG, keeping the torch close to keep
the puddle going but not too close so you don't blow through, same
concept with TIG. If you have never welded before TIG would be hardest
to start with (certainly not impossible).
MIG is easy to get good welds unfortunately MIG is also very easy to
get useless weak dangerous but good looking welds. MIG is unfortanetely
too easy to get a good looking bead with little to no penetration
leaving a very weak weld. With very little practice however any
intelligent person can figure it out and be a welding god within an hour
of practice (or at least convince their wife they are).
I welded with a torch for 20+ years, got a MIG for a large project
sheet metal project that would have taken too long with a torch, welded
the sheet metal up, put some grab handles on the frame and when it all
cooled down lifted the thing to move it, it should have weighed about
100lbs. but it was super light as all I lifted were the grab handles,
the frame and cabinet remained on the ground, I looked really stupid
holding those handles I had just welded on. I oxy welded it and they
are still holding but my MIG weld was garbage, I am much better now with
MIG now (trust me). I got my TIG for fixing up my aluminum LBC body
and have not used the MIG since, I keep the MIG because I realize for
some metal work, like trailer work, it is much faster but I prefer the
MIG with very little practice is a great metal glue gun.
On Tue, 2009-12-08 at 08:19 -0600, derf wrote:
> Don't you have to maintain an arc with TIG? I haven't really tried it
> but my understanding is that MIG is much easier to get good welds for
> an amateur.
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 6:29 PM, mike rambour <> wrote:
> > I agree if you already are decent with Oxy welding, skip the MIG and go
> > right to TIG, its the same process. The only reason for MIG to really
> > exist is for speed, its much faster for large projects.
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