The local Toronto Triumph Club had their annual car show yesterday at a place
called Bronte Park, which is about a mile from my house, it was a nice short
drive. There was well over 1000 L.B.C.s that showed up, everything from
Austin's to Zephyrs and everything in between the Brits made for the last 90
years. There were about 30 old British bikes, a nice Vincent Black Shadow with
matching side car.
This year they were celebrating 100 years for Morgan, 50 years for Triumph
Herald, Austin Mini, and Sunbeam Alpine, and 40 years for the TR6. It was a
great car show, the weather perfect, this event just finished 26 years, it has
rain 3 times during that time. I even saw 12 Delorians there, (built in
Ireland) I forgot how ugly they are.
Greg Higgins
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