The wire wheel axles are shorter and splined at both ends. The
differential housing (banjo) is one inch narrower for wire wheels. So
there will be at least a half inch less engagement per axle in the
diff. in a disk wheel banjo. Also I think the bearing hubs are
different. There are adapters for putting wire wheels on disk wheel
axles but have always wondered if they increased the rear track by an
inch or more.
Then there is the cleaning an tuning of the wires but they look great.
Bob Kitterer
1960 Austin Healey Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
1966 Austin Healey Sprite Mk III (Trevor) - still in boxes
2000 Miata Special Edition
On Jul 3, 2009, at 11:21 AM, Peter Caldwell wrote:
> Listerati.....
> What are the pitfalls when converting the rear axle from disc to
> wire wheels whilst keeping the disc wheel housing?
> Aren't the axles for the wires slightly longer resulting in the
> standing off the hub a touch?
> If so, what remedies have worked?
> Thanks
> Peter C
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