There's a certain '73 midget terrorizing the SUV's around here again!
I fired the car up again yesterday, figured I would just let the damn
thing run until whatever was causing the smoke from the trans bell
housing either failed spectacularly or stopped, or whatever. At least if
I was gonna have to take it apart again, I wanted it to be obvious where
the issue was.
No smoke at idle, but as soon as the car was moved a little bit, smoke
from the bell housing appeared, albeit way less then previously. Since
the clutch seems to work perfectly, I drove the car up & down the street
and driveway, slipping the clutch reasonably aggressively.
Checking again, no smoke. Seems to have stopped whatever it was. Perhaps
the spectacular failure is still imminent...
I checked the slave pushrod length and it was within 1/16" (short), so
buttoned it up & took it out for a little drive, and it seemed to be
working great. Once it got warmed up, it started rattling something
fierce. I thought something had broken until I realized that it was the
worst ignition pinking I have ever heard! Engine has a newly rebuilt
dist (from Matt @ advanced dist). I guess the timing mark on the bottom
pulley is meaningless at this point, guess the rubber has shifted or
something... hate having that mark on the bottom anyway... I wound up
just retarding and retarding until the pinking stopped. Only problem is
it was just gutless at that point. I could not find a happy medium.
Finally I disconnected the vacuum advance, and advanced the dist a few
degrees and it runs pretty good on just the mechanical advance.
I had the dist connected to intake manifold vacuum originally, which
turned out to be way too much. Then I made a restrictor to go inline
with the hose, but apparently even that must still be too much vacuum.
Perhaps I'll make a new one if I can find my set of wire sized drill bits...
Anyway, flogged the car pretty good for about two & 1/2 hours all told,
it runs great!
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