At 10:50 PM 6/29/2009, David Ramsey wrote:
>My 61 has a no point.
> Crash
>No 3 points, but I'm working on that too.
Coupla points.....
Crash, literature indicates that in fact, the 1961 Sprite is/was the
first car to have the soon to be NY State mandated (effective 1962)
seatbelt anchorages.
Second, here in Westconsin, and I suspect elsewhere, we are enacting
legislation enabling the confabulatory to be able to pull you over
strictly for lack of seatbelt. Up until now, they would be able to
ticket you for no belt if they had otherwise reason to stop you. Now,
thanks to federal "mandates" tied to highway funding, they can stop
you for not having a belt. So, I guess we all need to show a shoulder
belt. I really don't want a shoulder belt, though I religiously wear
a lap belt in my Mini. And, I REALLY don't want to discuss the
originality issue at bar time.....
I think I'll be installing a fictitious shoulder belt.
Peter C.
Support Team.Net