Couple of points here since I had the winged ones on my 1946 MG TC and loved
1. According to at least Mo$$ the wings are available in both thread sizes.
2. They were developed for rapid changes of wheels on racing cars back in
the day.
3. They are MUCH easier to get on and off than the hex using the proper
brass/lead Thor hammer.
4. "Cash for Clunkers" was introduced some years ago in California by Nancy
Pelosi and Barbara Boxer. It was a miserable failure as it will be this
time. It's our own fault for letting them do it on a national level despite
its demonstrated failure.
I guess when it doesn't work in wacky land, you get the same people to foist
it off on the entire country. Maybe we can ALL go bankrupt like California!!
On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 5:39 PM, Peter Caldwell <> wrote:
> I don't think you have a choice if you only have 1 set of axles. IIRC, they
> are 2 different threads (sorry Jay)
> But I like the ears best. Besides, you get to whack them with a hammer....
> a most satisfying sound rather than beating the wrench thing which is
> another tool you have to carry and loose.
> Peter C
> ==
> At 07:25 PM 6/23/2009, Dave G. wrote:
>> Which looks better on a SWA Spridget with original wire wheels...
>> The two-eared spinners?
>> Or
>> The hexagon nut??
>> I have both - the spinners are in excellent condition and the
>> hexagons are (honorably) worn...
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