Check your local parts houses. Some (Autozone here in CA) have a diagnostic
computer you can hook up for free (with deposit). get the failure codes and
then the parts house can intrepret the error codes. In my case on a 2000 Ford
ranger we hooked it up and the error code indicated a rear axle sensor was bad.
I bought the 25 dollar part installed it and it has been working ever since.
A good bmw shop will have a gt-1 computer that will get right to the heart of
the problem.
---- Chris Manuel <> wrote:
> Hi all-
> My grocery getter (2000 BMW 528iT) has decided to randomly go into "stolen"
> mode and set off the factory alarm while in the garage, and more
> disturbingly now, as I drive.
> We've had 5 inches of rain over the weekend, but it was not driven in it, so
> I'm thinking moisture somewhere. Any recommendations on an electronic
> drying spray I can use on the contacts or? I have a fan on the central
> computer/module area to dry it as well, although it wasn't noticeably wet.
> Chris
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