Must be talking about The Loop... Just like the Dallas-Ft Worth
circular road...
Here we have zero tolerance. My boy just got nailed for doing 65 in a
60 zone --- on a 8 lane highway with no traffic!!
They're gonna raise the money somewhere, and we motorists are the
easiest to target!
On 18 Jun 2009 at 15:58, Larry Daniels wrote:
>> In the Chicago area there are roads where
>> the norm, as stated by the gendarmes who enforce it, is that as long
>> as you are within 15mph of the posted limit, you will not be pulled
>> over. Other areas at specific times of day you can be driving 30mph
>> over and have people flying by you.
Dave G. KK7SS
'65 MK III Sprite in Richland, WA
If I wake up in the morning, and I hurt, it means that I'm still
alive !!
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