I have not checked recently but a few years ago you could buy twelve
four footers for less money than four eight footers. So I put in a
lot of four footers and the fixtures cost less. Has that changed?
Bob Kitterer
1960 Austin Healey Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
1966 Austin Healey Sprite Mk III (Trevor) - still in boxes
2000 Miata Special Edition
On Jun 14, 2009, at 8:22 PM, Greg Gowins wrote:
> Wow, count me in as a convert. The ballast went out in the normal
> four foot
> fixture in my garage. I replaced it with a high output 8 foot
> fixture, and
> the difference is night and day! I can't believe how much brighter
> it is.
> Now I'm thinking of getting a second one to add in towards the other
> half of
> the garage. Gonna make those late night fixes a lot easier to do.
> Greg Gowins
> Driftwood, TX
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