Welcome to the Frank Clarici "if it's made China it bites the big one" club.
Stuff often comes in and is re-packed in non-China labled boxi. You find out
when you pull the part from the package and notice a slant-eye guy sporting a
weird hat and a beard, If you look closesly, you'll notice a smile on his face
accompanied by some small letters below same which, roughly translate
as...."Now you truly -ucked, American pig",
Huge firm in UK sells engine parts (etc.) for our vintage British sportscars
under their own name but actually, import from all over the world and
"repackage, inclusive of "quality parts" mfg. in China/India, etc.
I'll remember the name of this firm eventually and report same to the list at
that time, just so everyone will know.
Cap'n. Bob '60 :{)
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