> David Groundwater wrote:
>> what did you replace the shuttle valve with? Mine is NG
> An empty space, it will never be a problem again.
> All it does is turn on a dash light to let you know your brakes failed.
> When the pedal hits the floor, you already know your brakes failed.
It does do a bit more than that. It separates the two circuits to keep
them independant of each other. In theory, if there is a hydraulic
failure in one corner of the car, that side loses pressure, the
shuttle slides over and lights the brake light on the dash, but the
other half of the circuit continues to function so you still have some
brakes, although braking capacity has been greatly reduced. With
Frank's new system, it is back to the single cylinder where a failure
at one corner loses ALL hydraulic braking... just like the tandem
tends to do in real life.
David L
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