Well this is a horrible coincidence- I was at the NOSHIT in Washington on
Saturday and a young lady in an SUV ran the stop sign and took out my
(Sprite's) right rear quarter panel, spun me around too (not fun). Neither of
us were hurt but we needed some quality time with a scissors jack to make it
Hope that these don't come in 3's!!
> Date: Mon, 1 Jun 2009 13:04:03 -0500
> From: bmwwxman@gmail.com
> To: tncarnut1@yahoo.com
> CC: spridgets@autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: [Spridgets] I think maybe I'll paint all my cars orange now..
> As someone who also rides motorcycles a lot I can tell you that the bright
> colors may not make any difference. People see what they are looking for no
> matter what color it is. Two weeks ago I was in Wichita, KS and saw a car
> drive straight into a school bus parked at an intersection. The problem is
> with brain dead drivers, not vehicle visibility.
> Glad you didn't get hurt. Tough luck on the Mazda
> Cheers!!
> Jim
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2009 at 8:22 AM, David Booker <tncarnut1@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Was turning in to my street yesterday afternoon and some woman in an SUV
> > decided she wanted to pull out before I was out of the way. She T-boned
> > the
> > Mazda in the rear driver side axle and spun me around in the middle of
> > road. Took out the wheel, rear door, rear qtr. panel, sheet metal
> > surrounding
> > the door, and the rear bumper. Wheel also has lots of extra camber
> > in
> > now.
> >
> > On the bright side, nobody was hurt. Just my 6 year old
> > meticulously-maintained, near perfect black Protege 5. Unfortunately, it
> > is
> > probably not bad enough to total it, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed
> > anyway. Maybe day-glo orange will be my choice for all future cars...
> >
> > No wonder insurance is so expensive in New York.
> >
> > David Booker
> > glad I wasn't in my '71 Midget
> > Long Island
> >
> >
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> --
> Cheers!!
> Jim
> Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am
> not
> sure about the former. - Albert Einstein
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