I mentioned my search for information about WWII a few days ago. I
came across an interesting WWII site with some LBC content I though I
would share. During WWII the US Army was in Brisbane Australia. When
they left they filled an old quarry with "war remains" - guns,
cannons, planes, bombs, etc. Then the Ausies contributed their junk
over the years. A guy obtained permission to drain the quarry and
salvage what he found. Included with the military planes (US and
Jap.) he found a "Mini Cooper S (that) spent 10 days on the road...
and nearly 30 years under water" and a 1937 Wolsely. There's even
some poor quality video of some of the salvage including the Mini.
The Mini is remarkably straight considering its history. Interesting
pics and video on this site.
See: http://home.st.net.au/~dunn/quarry.htm
Tim Collins
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