Well, we've had snow. Here in the frozen tundra that means the addition
of a mixture of chlorides on the roads, thus, the Sprite and MG are all
snuggled in the garage until the rains wash the remnants of the above
chlorides from the motorways.
As we approach the upcoming Holiday Clan Woerpel is thankful for this
list, all the folks we met at LOTO, Elkhart Lake, and various events
such as Mary's Midget at the Dream Farm, and of course for the very
moving experience with Father Jack and the Holy Sprite (sounds like an
Uncle Wiggly story!). This list is comprised of an exceptional group of
individuals, and boy are you individuals, and for that Terri and I are
truly thankful. May we continue laugh, argue, advise, gather together,
and drive our lbc's like they were meant to be driven.
Dave & Terri
Burlington WI
59 :{)
59 MGA 1500
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