I love the smell of burning Castrol R in the morning!
Clay L.
'67 Sprite
-- "Patrick Elliott" <pelliott@innercite.com> wrote:
I'll bet once it warms up it'll stop smoking.. The problem lies in the oil
drain off from the head. It's too slow and oil pools up around the valve
guides and gets sucked into the cylinders.
Couple of things you can do to address this..
Re-bush the rocker assembly, oil gets to the top of the motor through the
rocker assembly, if it's worn at all, too much oil will get by it and pools
Check both ends of the rocker shaft, both should be plugged, if not way too
much oil will pass onto the head.
Make sure that the oil return paths from the head are clear and clean. I
had one partially blocked by a cheap head gasket, when the oil was cold, it
would back up and the car would lay a smoke screen better then a Kennedy.
Run thinner oil....
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