Car is a 1275cc
My question was this...
I am looking to do a 5spd conversion on our bugeye located in NH, I am
accessible in MA, NH, VT, CT, and FL, and pretty much anywhere along the
coast on the drive from FL to NH but my grandfather is in FL right now and I
live in MA. I would like to know the cost to do a 5spd because Moss wants
$3599 for the kit and a rebuilt T-9 transmission. Thats extremely steep. If
someone could give me a parts list/possible trannys to do this that would be
fantastic. OR if someone could provide me with a LINK to a website that
sells a kit with or without the transmission, I would like to get a round
figure price... personally I would rather have a 5spd with either a 4.55 or
a 4.22 then have a 4spd with a 3.9 or a 3.7 if they have one!
Thanks guys!
On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 1:13 PM, William M. Gilroy <>wrote:
> Which car? 1275 or 1500? Two different routes, neither very cheap.
> Matt Hagopian wrote:
> > 3500 from Moss Motors.. I was looking for a cheaper route.. anyone have
> any
> > advice on what to do/get/costs? 2000 is the only number shot at me so far
> >
> >
Matt Hagopian
Support Team.Net