Actually, packaging a car with a set of options was the Japanese mfg idea.
Honda has it down to a science. Want a Sunroof, you get the EX. PERIOD.
You can walk in and order a car the way you want, as long as there is an
order code. Option packages reduce the number of assembly combinations
keeping costs down, and keeping the brand price competitive. However the
NEED to special order a vehicle is almost nil, now that I can get on the
computer and find every stock order GM vehicle in the United States that is
built, in transit, or approved for production. You want a purple Silverado
with tan guts and a sunroof, If it exists, I can find it.
Ferarri is not a mass produced automobile. GM isn't loosing market share to
Ferarri. Try ordering a base Camry with just Anti-lock brakes.
David Riker
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed's Shop" <>
To: "Spridgets" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Spridgets] Hope...for GM?
> And the car 'started' downhill IMHO when (and I think GM WAS 1st)
> DIS-continued a customer's ability to walk in a show room and actually
> order
> a car HE wanted NOT what some dam*ed pencil-pusher decided 'belong in a
> group of stuff' that became an Option Package.
> And the ENTIRE lot of MASS producers (pretty sure you can order a Prancing
> Horse as YOU want it<G>) LOST sight of what their CUSTOMER
> was/wanted.
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