OK, let the biologist help. Loooong extension cord, shop-vac with
loooong extension and vacuum them up...ok,ok that sucks. ;-) Couple of
cans of Raid wasp and hornet spray works wonders....or if you don't want
to offend the animal rights folks, (but we are talkin' 'bout saving some
parts here!) a CO2 extinguishers knocks them down for a while. Flame
thrower works wonders; make one from one of the rice rockets that shoot
flame out the pipes. Just a couple of fun ideas. If I weren't so far
away I'd be out there with you. I love scrounging for parts.
59 :{)
Burlington WI
Glen Byrns wrote:
> What a perfect day! 100 degrees, no shade, and all the "free" Morris Minor
> parts you can harvest. I spent the day in the sun ripping out the windscreen,
> steering wheel, gas tank and front and rear suspension off a Morris Minor
> sedan. The parts will eventually become part of my new Morris pickup.
> Unfortunately, I could only harvest from the left side this weekend and will
> have to go back next weekend to finish it off. There was a LARGE active
> paper-wasp next in the box of parts sitting next to the passenger door. After
> I grabbed all I could from the left side, I tossed a large rock into the nest
> and ran like heck to the waiting escape car and took off. Maybe by next
> Saturday they'll be gone and I can finsih the job. Anybody need a free 948
> and smoothcase? I won't ship, but I'll drag it home and hold it for you if
> you really want one. The condition is:"dumped in the bushes ??years ago,
> rained on and filled with wasps and mud." Please don't ask if it turns over.
> Glen Byrns
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