In 1966 I would visit my grandmother who lived on Glenwood Rd in Glendale
her house was three blocks from Hoover High school. On a clear day you could
see the school, but most days were not "clear". Still today when I visit
the area coming over the grapevine tears come to my eyes. At first I think
I'm just being nostalgic, and then I remember what the Indians called the LA
basin, "valley of the smoke".
Ps anybody wanting to die in LA need only to drive 55mph on the I-5 Golden
state freeway and flip off anybody who honks their horn at them. They will
be removed from the gene pool quick.
Bob Gardner wrote: "The air is amazingly clean now...."
Compared to WHAT, Bob. I will tell you one thing, the Southern California
air it is NOT as clean as it was when I was a kid in the '40, and every day
you could see the television transmitters on Mt. Baldy 25 miles away!
Anyone who has flown into the crappy brown skies in the Southern California
basin can attest to just how bad the air is!!!!
"and I read that if you get fed up with it all, and want to commit suicide,
you can take your new car in the garage, close the garage door, start it up,
roll down the windows and the car will run out of gas before it hurts you!
And who wrote THAT piece of bovine feces? The ones we found when I was a
cop would argue that point with the person. More importantly, if it that
claptrap were true, my daughter would not have had to go to her best
friend's funeral last weekend!
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